Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Flyer Community,
Good morning! I hope this newsletter finds you and your family well and having a wonderful summer together. My name is Marjoe Cooper and today marks my first day as Superintendent of Lake Local Schools. I wanted to offer a brief introduction of myself and express my sincere excitement for assuming this role within this wonderful community and educational setting. First, a very special thank you to Mr. Jim Witt as he enters retirement as he has made a tremendous positive impact during his tenure and has been nothing but helpful, insightful, and supportive as I transition to this position. On behalf of all the staff here, we wish Mr. Witt nothing but the best in his retirement.
I look forward to forging relationships with all of you so that the community can continue to thrive and our students are given the best educational opportunity to excel as they move forward. Whether it be in the classroom, on our athletic fields, or a part of our musical and theater productions it will always be our vision to put students first and give them the support they need to succeed.
I have been in public education for the last twenty-five years. The majority of my teaching career took place in the Norwalk City Schools while also teaching for three years in North Carolina. Over the past ten years, I have been a principal in the Fremont Schools and Perrysburg Schools systems. These experiences have prepared me well for the superintendent position and I look forward to being a part of this community and its happenings as we enter the fall and the school year. Over the summer, I have spent several days with many members of our administrative staff and a handful of other staff members to gather insight and perspective into this position. It is clear that there is a true pride and love for this community and district and I’m lucky to be a part of it.
Personally, my wife, Brianne, and I have been together for twenty-one years and are lucky to have two outstanding children. Our daughter will be a senior in high school while our son will enter junior high this year. We are a very active and sports-related family and love to spend our time together attending sporting events, doing family activities, and visiting beaches when it is possible. Our family looks forward to becoming a part of the Lake family.
Being in several leadership positions has taught me many valuable lessons with a key one being that we are most certainly in a relationship-based business. It will be a key component of our district to build meaningful relationships with our families in order to understand each other in a capacity that will allow our students to thrive. As we go through the year it is my intention to provide regular updates to the community through a newsletter that will allow our families and stakeholders to get a view into the happenings of our staff and students while providing opportunities to get involved with activities, social events, and the district as a whole.
I thank the board of education and this community for allowing me to assume the incredible responsibility of being superintendent. It is not a role I will take lightly and hope to lead our staff to inspire our students to always push forward and be the best we all can be on a daily basis. I look forward to working with all of you.
A few notes:
Please be on the lookout for material coming from our buildings regarding back-to-school material and information in general. You may contact our building principals with the information below:
Mrs. Michelle Savickas - Lake Elementary Interim Principal
Mrs. Stephanie Franke - Lake Middle School
Mr. Lee Herman - Lake High School
Please check our website (https://www.lakeschools.org) for more information regarding the upcoming school year.
You can follow me on Twitter/X at “MCoopLakeSupt” where you can find pictures and school happenings throughout the year.
Again, I look forward to working with the students, staff, and community and I thank you for letting me be your superintendent. I look forward to our journey together.
Mr. Marjoe Cooper
Superintendent, Lake Local Schools