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Technology Department

Technology Department

The technology department continues to look for ways to increase student access to technology and help improve district operations.  The 2021-2022 school year begins our one-to-one Chromebook program to grades 6-12 along with adoption of Schoology as our learning management system (LMS) for those grades. Some of the recent programs the technology department has been a part of include:

  • SafeArrival- our student absence reporting system
  • FinalForms – our digital forms solutions for both athletics and school forms
  • One-on-One Chromebook Program
  • Schoology LMS

Public wi-fi is now available across the campus! Teachers at Lake also use an electronic attendance software package, including online assignments and gradebook features. Parents can access and monitor their child’s progress though the Parent Portal and stay in communication with teachers. If you have not received an access code for your child, please contact the school office of your child. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding technology at Lake Local Schools.