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Voice Recognition


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Vocal Music Performance Opportunities

Students in 8th-12th grade Choirs will have ample amounts of opportunities to perform throughout each year. The course requires that students perform in 2-3 school concerts (dates in syllabus), Large Group Contest, Solo & Ensemble, and community events. 

Additional opportunities:

Solo and Ensemble; 9-12th Grade Students: January 22nd, 2022.

Solo and Ensemble; 8th Grade Students: April 2nd, 2022

District 1 Honors Choir

College Honors Choirs:

MOST colleges host an Honors Choir events that are open to all applicants. Check out our local colleges pages here:

University of Toledo:

Bowling Green State University:

Ohio Northern University:

Ohio State University:

Middle School Choir 

Students in 6th & 7th grade choir will be able to perform in the two concerts that the entire ensemble performs: One concert in December and one concert in May. These concert dates are released at the beginning of each year. 7th Grade Students are also required to participate in Solo and Ensemble. Solo and Ensemble is April 2nd, 2022.

In addition, 7th Grade students are able to perform in the following events, though extra auditions are required:

District 1 Honors Choir

5th Grade Choir

Students in 5th grade choir will be able to perform in the two concerts that the entire ensemble performs: One concert in December and one concert in May. These concert dates are released at the beginning of each year.