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Lake Local Schools

“The Mission of the Lake Local Schools, a dynamic, caring district, with a tradition for excellence, is to prepare, motivate, and challenge all students to achieve their full potential, eager to contribute to a diverse global society, by providing excellent opportunities and services in partnership with our rural/suburban community.”

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Response to Intervention (RTI) Process

The RTI Process

The Response To Intervention (RTI) process is the process in which Lake Local Schools helps students who may be struggling academically, socially, or behaviorally in the school setting. 


This process begins with your child’s teacher assessing the skills of everyone in the class. These assessments help the school’s RTI team determine which students need interventions, focusing on specific skills in an effort to improve them. Interventions can be part of classroom-wide instruction. The teacher may break students into smaller groups tailored for different skill levels or learning styles. This is also known as differentiated instruction. 


As part of the RTI process, schools help struggling students by using interventions that researchers have studied and shown to be effective. In addition to research-based interventions, another essential component of RTI is progress monitoring. The school frequently assesses your child’s skills to determine whether an intervention is working. All student’s skills are assessed through benchmark assessments three times a school year (Fall, Winter, Spring) in reading and math. If students are identified to having a skill deficit, interventions are put into place. During an intervention, your child’s teacher uses an assessment tool that research has shown to be an effective way to measure certain skills. This tool is used to assess your child’s skills every week or every other week. 


The Three-Tier System of RTI

Tier 1: The whole class

In the general education classroom, the teacher measures each student’s skills. This is known as a universal screening. Universal screening helps the teacher work with students in small groups based on their skill levels. All students are taught using methods that research has shown to be effective. During the intervention, the RTI team monitors students’ progress to see who might need additional support. Many students respond successfully to Tier 1 support and achieve grade-level expectations.


Tier 2: Small group interventions

If your child isn’t making adequate progress in Tier 1, your child will start to receive more targeted help. This is in addition to the regular classroom instruction, not a replacement for it. Tier 2 interventions take place a few times a week during enrichment or no-new instruction activities so your child won’t miss any core instruction in the classroom. During these extra help sessions, your child will be taught in small groups using a different method than in Tier 1 because the first method wasn’t successful. The teacher may also ask you to work with your child at home on certain skills. The school will monitor your child’s progress so it’s clear whether the Tier 2 intervention is helping.


Tier 3: Intensive interventions

Typically, only a small percentage of the students will require Tier 3 support. If your child needs Tier 3 support, it will be tailored to their specific needs. Every day, your child will receive one-on-one instruction or work in very small groups. The groups may include some students who are receiving services and who need to work on the same skills.

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