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Lake Local Schools

“The Mission of the Lake Local Schools, a dynamic, caring district, with a tradition for excellence, is to prepare, motivate, and challenge all students to achieve their full potential, eager to contribute to a diverse global society, by providing excellent opportunities and services in partnership with our rural/suburban community.”

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Section 504

Section 504

A 504 Plan is a formal accommodation plan that schools develop to give students with disabilities the support they need in order to be successful in the general education setting. 

The Lake Local School District utilizes the building RTI team to assist when determining eligibility for students with a disability through a 504 Plan. Referrals for an evaluation may be made by anyone (parents, teachers, or other knowledgeable professionals) who has personal knowledge of a student’s needs and who suspects that the student is an individual with a disability due to a substantial limitation of a major life activity.  

All referrals should be made in writing to the building principal, and include information that supports the reason for referral.  The child’s disability must be found to limit daily activities in a major way.  Students with 504 Plans are students who are learning and progressing in general education, but require accommodations or additional support in order to continue achieving. 

A 504 Plan prevents discrimination based on the child’s disability. These plans protect the rights of students with disabilities in school and are covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, which is a civil rights law.

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